Dear Mr./Mrs. Overly Zealous Instagramer,

I see you've posted another picture of your cat .. or the beach (your fifth one this week) .. or your self .. or whatever it is I don't care about. I'm here to inform you that nobody cares. Obviously we've all had our fair share of unnecessary posts, it's in our nature. But there's a difference between those who are artistic and those who aren't. And if you've posted a photo of your latest alcoholic beverage you're probably in the latter group.

It's ok though! There's a couple simple ways to control it ... You can simply give up, by either deleting your account or never posting again -- but somehow I doubt that will happen. So in that instance, here's my one useful tip I want to instill in you: Before you post, think
Do other people give a damn about this?

The answer is almost assuredly No, but you can try anyway.

But keep this one thing in mind as we part ... when your follower count continues to dwindle and your photos go disliked and comment-less, it's because NO ONE CARES.


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