Grammar Police

This won't take long, but a quick background... One of my all time pet peeves is grammar, and there's no worse place for a supporter of the English language than social media. We're not on AIM anymore ... I can't tell you the number of times I've seen "u" instead of "you" or a complete lack of punctuation in tweets or status updates. It's sickening.

I don't think I'm asking too much. Just a little sense of intelligence would go a long way in the hearts and minds of everyone that encounters your abhorrence of the English language. It's not like it has to be sincere either. Like they say, "Fake it till you make it." I promise that a little goes along way with your friends and followers.

And just in case you're not sure what I'm talking about, here's a couple quick ones to fix:

You're means you are, as in you are an idiot.
Your means something belongs to you, like your dumb Facebook status.

They're refers to they are, like why they are all making fun of you.
There is where they all are going with you.
Their means it belongs to them (e.g. their status).

If you can correct these five simple bugaboos, along with the litany of other grammatical mistakes you undoubtedly make in every post you make, I promise you that people might actually "like" or retweet something you say. Just give it a try ... for the love of God.

...and Shakespeare.


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