Social Media Do's and Dont's

As an avid user of all social media outlets, I have come across many ill-advised statuses and plenty of terrible jokes. Here's a quick rundown of what you should and shouldn't be posting.

Don't: make lame jokes.
Do: think before you post. If you don't think people are going to get it, or only you understand it, hold off before hitting "update status".

Don't: go political on everyone's asses.
Do: keep certain opinions to yourself, lest you want to be known as that guy/girl that pisses everyone off by turning every event into a political issue (see: Chick-fil-A and Facebook).

Don't: post everything.
Do: use discretion ... I've found myself just as guilty as the next person in this arena, but you have to think to yourself "is this necessary?" before every tweet/post.

Don't: make yourself look like an idiot.
Do: check your grammar. The reason nobody liked your last status (minus the other obvious flaws) is because you don't understand the difference between your and you're. I've seen plenty of pretty witty statuses go unliked because no one wants to condone your poor grammar. Get it together. (see my earlier post: 'Grammar Police' for further instruction).

Honesty, it's not that difficult folks. Remember the old adage:
Quality over quantity.

Think before you post -- and avoid superfluous tweets and statuses -- and you'll never go disliked in the social media world again. Again, one more time ... NO bad jokes, political tangents, misuse of grammar, or unnecessary posts. Trust me, the rest of us thank you in advance.


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