With Easter just three days away, I think it's safe to say I've survived Lent. For those who don't know, Lent is a way for Christians to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus by penance — which usually comes in the form of giving up some luxury. For me, this year, I gave up potato chips. I think I can safely say I succeeded.
Now, of course, in my last post I talked about my fitness lifestyle ... so some of you might be wondering why I would give up such an unhealthy habit. Well, we all have our weak spots and chips just happen to be mine — especially Doritos. I gave up, under my own free will, junk food about two years ago when I started to look into developing a healthier lifestyle. It worked. Last January (as in 14 months ago), I gave up meat. Still working. Yet, still I've had trouble laying off the 'crisps'.
Luckily for me, this is a minor tweak in my diet and I finally decided now was the perfect time to attack it. It's like fine-tuning one particular muscle group at the gym ... the idea was to focus on one minor way I can make my body even healthier. Now — full disclosure — I still have popcorn occasionally but a man needs some sweetness in his life! Whoops, forgot to mention I don't eat chocolate either. All these days later, it's pretty cool to look back and see how strong I've been and what I've accomplished. There were definitely times where I wanted to give in and bust out a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, but the thought of Jesus fasting in the desert makes you realize how trivial your sacrifice is. I am a pretty faithful person, so whenever my own personal strength fails it's nice to know that what you're doing has a true meaning — definitely that extra push you need sometimes.
What did y'all give up? And how's it going? I'd love to hear how others are doing in their journey and if they ever had weak moments like myself. We made it!
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