My Masters Menu

Well, it's officially under way — The Masters! In honor of the first round of coverage and the tournament's location in the heart of the Deep South (Augusta, GA), I decided to kick off the golf season with a bang! (Of the cooking variety.  It's no secret that I absolutely love Southern cooking so any time an opportunity arises to make some of my favorite meals, I jump on it. This just happens to be one of the best — with a little bit of a Masters-inspired flair.
That's a lot of ingredients!
Of course, I have to make cornbread.
The first step in the cornbread-making process is to spray down the pan and pre-heat the oven at 450° for about 7-8 minutes.
Then, I combined three tablespoons of egg whites, 1 1/3 cups of milk, a 1/4 cup of vegetable oil, and 2 cups of cornmeal; Mix it till it's a nice creamy, pourable mixture. (I also add a bit of butter and honey — use at your own discretion.)
After that, I poured the mixture evenly throughout the pan and put it back in the oven for somewhere around 20 minutes. I usually check on it every so often until it turns a nice golden brown color.
And voila! That's one mighty fine looking cornbread, if I say so myself.
You might not consider it a meal, but when you make okra in the massive quantities that I do, you'll definitely get stuffed!
Now it's okra chopping time! It can definitely get a bit sticky in this process, but it tastes so good!

I douse the chopped up okra in egg whites and then pour in cornmeal. Keep mixing the veggies around in the batter until they each have a nice even coating.
Cover your frying pan in oil and put a handful of okra on at a time. Continue to flip them over repeatedly to get a nice brown covering on the pieces. I usually take two turns to get a typical package of okra all fried up.
Of course you need something to wash down all that delicious food with! What could be more fitting than the famous Arnold Palmer?
I made my own delectable variety with pink lemonade instead of the typical regular lemonade, but it really doesn't matter! Just use one part iced tea for ever part lemonade and you've got yourself a winner! (You can always throw in a little vodka or bourbon if your favorite player is playing well ... or really poorly.)

There you have it! Now find yourself a spot on the couch and pig out ... what more could you need? Enjoy the Masters!



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